Homeowners are increasing their heating costs by making a common drying error

While it may be tempting to dry your washing on radiators, this could do more harm than good.

Drying socks, underwear and even tea towels on radiators could be making your energy bills higher than they need to be.

With this in mind, Owen Whitlock, an interiors expert at Beanbags.co.uk has shared why homeowners should avoid drying clothes on radiators – even if it’s tempting.

He said: “While hanging wet clothes over your radiators will dry them, this could cause excess condensation in your home.

“This will lead to mould which can create all kinds of damage including staining paintwork, not to mention the allergens that mould can produce.

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“As well as this it could increase the cost of your heating bill.

“Hanging clothes over the top of your radiator will prevent it from heating your house, which means the boiler will need to work harder than it needs to, therefore increasing its running costs.”

Radiators are trying to reach a certain temperature so when you put clothes on the radiator, you’re plugging the upstream of the whole heating system.

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The boiler will then struggle to heat the room and will need to work harder which will cost you more money.

Drying clothes in radiators releases lots of moisture into the air which then has to go somewhere.

Often, the moisture will settle on a cold surface which can then lead to condensation and mould.

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Instead of using a radiator, homeowners should find an alternative to dry their washing indoors such as a clothes drying rack, a tumble dryer or even a heated drying rack.

Some homeowners also recommend using a dehumidifier while drying clothes indoors on a drying rack.

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