Martin Lewis issues 25-day warning to couples that they could lose their homes

Martin Lewis has issued a 25-day warning to couples across the country and alerted them to the fact that they could lose their homes.

The money saving expert revealed that people who are in a relationship and sharing a house but are not married could face the turmoil of eviction.

On the BBC’s The Martin Lewis podcast, he urged cohabitants to check their wills and make sure that if they lose their partner to trafic circumstances they don’t also lose their home.

The financial whizz pointed out that when it comes to inheriting a property, being in a relationship but unmarried just won’t cut it in all circumstances.

He said: “If you’ve got assets and you want to decide where they’re going you want a will because then you’re dictating it, other than the intestate laws. So if you don’t have a will it’s worth looking up the intestacy rules which will tell you where you’re money’s going.”

“The most important people who need to hear a warning about wills, if you’ve not considered it, are those who are cohabiting but not married – what are often called common-law partners, but frankly when it comes to inheritance, that is virtually meaningless.

“I don’t care if you’ve been together 25 years and have 42 children, under the law of inheritance, that isn’t going to matter and if you die it is quite possible your partner will not be eligible for any of your assets whatsoever, and possibly depending on how it’s structured, even if they share a house together, they will not be entitled to live in that house afterward because they do not count in the law.

It’s not the first time Mr Lewis has touched on wills this week, on Thursday he admitted he was furious with a fellow BBC radio presenter.

He expressed his disappointment after finding out his radio co-host Nihal Arthanayake still hasn’t completed his Will one year after the money saving expert warned him.

On The Martin Lewis Podcast, he explained that if someone has assets and they want to decide where their assets go once they die, they should have a Will.

Without a Will, they leave the distribution of their assets up to the intestacy rules.

Last year on the BBC podcast, Mr Lewis pleaded with Mr Arthanayake to sort out his Will which he thought he had gone through with.

To his surprise, he found that Mr Arthanayake had still not sorted it out.

Mr Lewis responded: “Oh no, you’re not going to tell me you didn’t fulfil the Will. I genuinely didn’t know that I thought you did it. What happened?”

He then issued an eight-word response, saying: “I’m furious! I’m properly properly annoyed with you.”

Mr Lewis gave Mr Arthanayake until the end of Free Wills Month, this October, to get his Will sorted out.

With Free Wills Month underway, the money-saving expert has issued an urgent plea for Britons to sort out their wills.

The Martin Lewis Podcast is available on BBC Sounds.

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