Leah Remini Rips “Criminal” Scientology In Aftermath Of Danny Masterson Prison Sentencing

Already engaged in a lawsuit of her own against Scientology, Leah Remini lambasted the Church today following the sentencing of prominent Scientologist Danny Masterson to 30 years in prison on rape convictions.

Calling the David Miscavige-led organization “a multibillion-dollar criminal organization with tax-exempt status,” the former King of Queens star and ex-Scientologist took to social media to center on the Church’s alleged “cover-up” of Masterson’s crimes and others.

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“For over two decades, Danny Masterson avoided accountability for his crimes,” Remini tweeted Thursday (see her full statement below). “While Danny was the only one sentenced, his conviction and sentence are indictments against Scientology, its operatives, and its criminal leader, David Miscavige.”

Remini, who has battled with the Church of Scientology for years, was in the packed Los Angeles courtroom today as Masterson received his sentence. At one point, as the court was taking a short break before sentencing, Remini and a publicist for the defense got into a brief exchange at the back of the courtroom. Remini exclaimed, “You got the wrong one, girl!” and as Remini walked by, the publicist replied, “Don’t talk to me!”

The Masterson sentencing came a week after Remini filed an amended complaint in her harassment suit against the Church, Miscavige and others. Citing years of attacks, the multi-claim filing (read it here) alleges that Scientology harassed and defamed her. It seeks unspecified damages. 

The Church of Scientology did not respond to Deadline’s request for comment about Remini’s tweet. We will update this post if we receive a response.

Here is the full text of Remini’s statement today:

My statement on the sentencing of Scientologist Danny Masterson:

“Sitting in court today with the women who survived Danny Masterson’s predation was a surreal experience. Over the past seven decades, former Scientologists have sadly become used to Scientology using its financial resources, religious protection, and relationships to snatch justice away from them.

For over two decades, Danny Masterson avoided accountability for his crimes. While Danny was the only one sentenced, his conviction and sentence are indictments against Scientology, its operatives, and its criminal leader, David Miscavige.

Scientology managed to cover up Danny’s crimes with the help of its intelligence agency, the Office of Special Affairs, top “church” officials like Kirsten Caetano Pedersen and Julian Swartz, its network of media-hungry unethical attorneys, private investigators, agents, and civilian Scientologists who engaged in a conspiracy to cover up crimes of sexual violence.

I am relieved that this dangerous rapist will be off the streets and unable to violently assault and rape women with the help of Scientology, a multi-billion-dollar criminal organization with tax-exempt status.

Hearing the survivors read their victim impact statements aloud in court while the man who raped them and some of the very Scientologists who terrorized them over two decades were just a few feet away displayed a level of bravery that I am in awe of.

These women not only faced the living hell of being raped, having their rapes covered up by the very organization that promised to protect them, but they have also faced ruthless and criminal harassment by Scientology and its agents since they came forward to law enforcement.

I will always remind the public that in Scientology if you report another Scientologist to law enforcement, you are committing a high crime. The consequences of such a high crime are devastating: you will lose everything you’ve ever known, from your family to your friends to your job.

The women who survived Danny’s predation fought tirelessly for justice. Their tenacity, strength, and courage have given hope to all victims of Scientology that justice is possible. For that, we will forever be grateful.

To the LAPD detectives, the LA District Attorney’s office, Judge Olmedo, and the jury, we thank you for your fair and impartial approach to this case and trial.”

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