Tech Giants Commit To Developing Watermark Technology To Combat AI-generated Content Misuse

In a joint effort to tackle the growing concern over AI-generated deepfakes and misleading content, seven major companies, including OpenAI, Microsoft, Google, Meta, Amazon, Anthropic, and Inflection, have pledged to create technology for clear watermarking of such content. The Biden administration hopes that this move will enhance the safety of sharing AI-generated text, video, audio, and images by enabling users to trace the origins of the content back to the AI tools used to create it.

The specifics of how the watermark will function remain unclear, but it is expected to be embedded within the content itself, allowing for easy identification of its source. Deepfakes, which use AI to manipulate and create realistic-looking fake content, have raised concerns among internet users and policymakers alike. Instances like the viral spread of fake images depicting Donald Trump’s arrest, generated using the Midjourney image generator earlier this year, have underscored the need for measures to combat the misuse of AI tools.

The watermarking initiative aims to prevent misleading and harmful uses of AI-generated content, such as scams and sextortion schemes. By adding watermarks, users will be able to differentiate between authentic and AI-generated content, thus reducing the dangers of fraud and deception.

OpenAI, in a blog post, expressed its commitment to developing robust mechanisms for watermarking audio and visual content, while also providing tools to determine if a particular piece of content was generated using their system. The commitment will apply to most AI-generated content, with a few exceptions like not watermarking the default voices of AI assistants.

Google, in addition to watermarking, plans to integrate metadata and other innovative techniques to promote trustworthy information. The White House commends these voluntary commitments and has announced that tech companies will conduct internal and external testing on AI systems before release and invest more in cybersecurity. The companies will also share information across the industry to reduce AI-related risks, such as bias and discrimination in AI systems and potential advancements in weaponry development.

President Joe Biden is set to meet with tech companies to gather key insights ahead of developing executive orders and bipartisan legislation to regulate AI technologies more effectively. The companies’ willingness to collaborate and establish responsible guardrails for AI has been praised as a significant step in advancing meaningful AI governance worldwide.

By setting higher standards for AI, the industry aims to enhance the safety, security, and trustworthiness of AI technologies. The administration considers this endeavor a high priority, as it strives to ensure responsible AI use for the benefit of all.

(1:18:12 AM) [email protected]/169471725100070784114894: pls check this one too
(1:27:53 AM) [email protected]: no changes
(1:32:00 AM) [email protected]/169471725100070784114894: ok
(1:32:40 AM) [email protected]/169471725100070784114894: FTX Bankruptcy Estate Lawsuit Reveals Unconventional Island Dream of Gabe Bankman-Fried

Startling revelations have emerged from a series of lawsuits filed by the FTX bankruptcy estate aimed at recovering hundreds of millions of FTX dollars allegedly fraudulently allocated from customer cash during the collapse of Sam Bankman-Fried’s crypto empire. Among the eye-catching disclosures is Gabe Bankman-Fried’s island dream, as cited in a memo between Gabe and an officer of the FTX Foundation. The memo outlines a plan to purchase Nauru, a tiny island nation in Micronesia, with the ambitious goal of building a bunker to ensure the survival of effective altruists and establish a laboratory for human genetic enhancement research.

The FTX estate is seeking the return of all property involved in the alleged fraudulent transfers, along with monetary damages, although the specific amount was not specified.

Gabe’s island dream, though unconventional, has captured some attention, with the idea of owning an island appealing to many. The allure of buying an island often emerges when playing hypothetical games of “if you could buy anything in the world.” However, the feasibility and practicality of such an endeavor warrant examination.

Nauru, historically known for its phosphate-rich deposits, once enjoyed great wealth thanks to phosphate mining. In the 1960s, the country gained independence, becoming a sovereign nation. However, over time, phosphate reserves depleted, leading to economic challenges. The country now focuses on sustainable development and protecting its natural environment.

While some of the actions taken by Gabe and his brother Ben have faced criticism for their impact on others, the desire to own a country, though grandiose, reflects a human fascination with power and ownership. The island purchase idea may have been fueled by Crypto bros’ penchant for opulence and influence.

Although Gabe’s island dream may seem far-fetched, it highlights the fantasies and aspirations of individuals with significant wealth and resources. The prospect of owning a sovereign nation, while captivating, remains out of reach for most.

As the lawsuits continue to unfold, the public remains intrigued by the eccentricities of those involved in the crypto world. The desire to possess an island, while not without its appeal, serves as a reminder of the complexities and extravagances inherent in the world of crypto and finance.

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