Can I drive my car with a brake light out? | The Sun
BRAKE lights are an important safety feature on all vehicles – and drivers should recognise their importance.
Driving without a brake light can cause a serious collision, but is it a punishable offence? Here's everything you need to know.
Is it illegal to drive with a brake light out?
Brake lights are vital to letting those driving behind you that you are either slowing or coming to a stop.
By law, you need to have both brake lights in working order.
However, because they’re positioned on the back of your car it’s not unusual for you to go some time without noticing that one of your bulbs has gone.
If your brake light is out, drivers may not be able to tell and it could cause a collision.
It is illegal to drive with a brake light out – so as soon as you’re aware that one of your brake lights is faulty make sure to fit a new bulb straight away.
However, if you are pulled over by the police, they may be lenient on you and let you go with a verbal warning or a Roadside Prohibition Notice – which gives you ten days to get it fixed.
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Your brake light could have gone out while driving, which you wouldn't have known about.
What is the fine for driving with a brake light out?
Some people aren't so fortunate and can wind up with a fine and further punishments.
For having a brake light out, you can get fined up to £60 and gain three penalty points on your licence.
You'll also be given a vehicle defect rectification notice, which means you must get the issue fixed within in 14 days and have proof that you have done so.
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It is also recommended to take your car off of the road until the brake light has been fixed.
The worst case scenario is unusual but it does happen – your vehicle could even get towed away.
What to do to fix a broken brake light?
The best place to get a brake light fixed is a garage.
Halfords offer a bulb fitting service so you don't have to do the work.
Fixing a broken brake light is something you can do yourself at home but always consult an expert before doing so.
There may be more than one factor as a reason why your brake light isn't working so do get it checked out if you are unsure.
It’s a good idea to check your brake lights once a week – not only because you don’t want to be caught out, but more importantly it could help avoid an accident.
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