Single mum, pensioner, family of four, and more – here’s what today’s budget means for YOU

Spring Statement: Rishi Sunak outlines plan for cutting taxes

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As he took to his feet to deliver the mini-budget, Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak faced a nation battling under the cost of living crisis, with the news of inflation soaring at the fastest rate for three decades coming just hours earlier. Addressing the House of Commons, the Chancellor was eager to remind people that the UK is, essentially, in war times, with the battle in Ukraine spilling over as it sends prices soaring.

Mr Sunak praised the UK’s sanctions against Russia, which he called “unprecedented in scale and scope”, but warned that they were “not cost-free for us at home”.

He said, however, that he knew the most “significant impact” in the UK was on the cost of living, already high in the wake of Covid, with forecasts from the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) already predicting inflation to hit 7.4 percent by the end of the year.

With this in mind, the Chancellor announced a set of measures to help people through the crisis.

Here are the main points:

  1. Fuel duty will be cut by 5p per litre until March 2023.
  2. Homeowners installing energy-efficient materials such as solar panels, heat pumps, or insulation installed will not pay VAT for five years.
  3. An extra £500m of funding through a doubling of the Household Support Fund for local authorities
  4. The income threshold for at which point people start paying National Insurance will rise to £12,570 in July, an increase of £3,000
  5. A new “tax plan” to reduce and reform taxes over the term of this Parliament will “help families with the cost of living”, “create the conditions for higher growth”, and “share the proceeds of growth fairly”.
  6. The health and social care levy through National Insurance hike from April will stay.
  7. The basic rate of income tax will be cut from 20 to 19 pence in the pound before the end of this Parliament in 2024

But what do these measures, full of jargon and political spin, actually mean for the real people of this country?

What follows are four case studies: A single mum on minimum wage, a family of four earning a combined income of £70k, a single man living on his own on a £40k salary, and a pensioner living alone.

1. A single mum on benefits

According to analysts, the lack of support for people on means-tested benefits was a major omission in today’s budget.

Paul Johnson, the director of the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) think tank, said benefits were going up by a planned 3.1 percent next month at a time when claimants were facing cost of living increases of about 10 percent.

A single mum on benefits won’t benefit from the National Insurance threshold changes, nor will she be able to claim any of the net gains from installing energy-efficient materials to her home – even without the VAT cut, households installing solar panels are looking at an initial cost of £5,000 and over.

The only area in the budget that might ease some of the pressure on the single mum is the increase to the Household Support Fund.

Under the Chancellor’s plans, an extra £500million will go to local councils to “help the most vulnerable households with the cost of essentials such as food, clothing and utilities”.

This brings the total Household Support Fund to £1billion, with funds to be used at local councils’ discretion – though 50 percent must be reserved for households with children.

But experts have said this will do little to appease the worries of those struggling the most.

Mr Johnson tweeted: “If £0.5billion is all there is for poorest families paid through local authorities, that will be hugely disappointing. Doesn’t look like benefits being raised.”

And Torsten Bell, chief executive of the Resolution Foundation think tank, tweeted: “It’s crazy to only have £0.5billion of support for lower-income households in the face of the biggest cost of living hit for generations – contrast with the £10billion real terms benefit hit they face in the year ahead.”

2. A family of four earning a combined income of £70k

This is a demographic that might benefit slightly more from today’s announcements.

The Chancellor says a typical family installing solar panels could save £1,000 on installation and up to £300 a year on energy bills, and a family earning a decent combined wage might be able to afford the initial installation cost and reap these benefits.

Analysts have also said that Mr Sunak’s increase to the National Insurance threshold will most benefit middle to high-income workers – what Mr Bell called “a tax cut for the middle and top of the income distribution”.

A paper by the Resolution Foundation explained: “A rise in the National Insurance threshold… would still see more than half of the benefit going to the richest half of the population (only £1 in every £3 would go to the bottom half, who would on average gain £250 a year if the threshold were raised to £12,500).”

But earners in this bracket will still be faced with the rising National Insurance tax – forming the health and social care levy, which the Chancellor said will remain despite calls to scrap it.

Will Tanner, the director of the Onward think tank and former deputy head of policy to Theresa May, said: “Critics will say he should have scrapped the planned National Insurance rise.

“But doing so would have meant finding £12billion elsewhere for the NHS and social care, or explaining to voters why they must wait months for operations in the run-up to a general election. Ultimately this left him with no easy choices.”

This will mean that, despite an initial tax cut from the National Insurance minimum rise, this type of household will still be paying more than £200 extra per year in National Insurance taxes.

In terms of petrol prices, this family might feel a bit of purchase on their pound with the fuel duty cuts – but not much, particularly when comparing the fact that petrol pump prices have gone up by 40p per litre in the past year to the 5p rebate.

Fuel bills have reached record highs in recent months, with average prices now standing at 167.03p per litre for petrol and nearly 178.97p for diesel.

As a result, the cost today of filling a 55-litre family car is £91.87 for petrol users and £98.43 for diesel cars.

According to the RAC, the new 5p cut in fuel duty will shave about £3 off the cost of a tank when they come into effect at 6pm on Wednesday evening.

The RAC welcomed the Chancellor’s decision, but called it a mere “drop in the ocean”.

3. A single man living on his own on a £40k salary

A single man, without dependents and a decent wage will not be amongst the most concerned about the cost of living crisis.

Yes, he will feel the pinch when it comes to his National Insurance, but it will be less than expected – Mr Sunak’s new plan means a £40,000 earner will see a rise of £70, instead of a previously expected £339 rise.

He might also be looking forward to Mr Sunak’s surprise promise dropped in at the end of the budget: that income tax will be cut from 20 to 19 pence in the pound before the end of 2024.

Mr Sunak told the House on Wednesday that official forecasts said inflation would be “back under control” and national debt falling by 2024, making a cut possible.

But not everyone is convinced, with analysts accusing the Chancellor of trying to save face by announcing contradictory measures.

Mr Bell from the Resolution Foundation implied the Chancellor could have another motive altogether, tweeting: “What do you do if you want to be a future Conservative leader? Cut income tax…

“Totally bonkers to be raising National Insurance (on earners) while cutting Income Tax (includes those with other income sources).”

And Mr Johnson from the IFS said: “Oh for goodness sake. What is the possible justification for cutting income tax rate while raising NI rate?

“Drives further wedge between taxation of unearned income and earned income.”

4. A pensioner living alone

Pensioners were another group of society deemed neglected by today’s announcements, with no mention of any changes.

It had been hoped the Chancellor might mention the plans to scrap the triple-lock, but this did not manifest.

In September 2021, the Conservative Party ditched a 2019 campaign pledge to preserve the pensions triple lock, which sees an increase in line with inflation or 2.5 percent, whichever is higher.

But with inflation soaring to its highest level in 30 years, this has been scrapped, with pensions only expected to rise by 3.1 percent in April.

When comparing this to the current inflation rate of 6.2 percent – or the OBR’s forecast of 7.4 percent before the end of the year – it is evident that pensioners are going to struggle to cope with the cost of living.

Much like the single mother on benefits, a pensioner living alone won’t benefit from the National Insurance threshold changes, nor will they be able to claim any of the net gains from installing energy-efficient materials to their home.

The Labour Party has warned that older people “risk being at the sharp end of the cost of living crisis”, saying pensioners may be almost £1,500 worse off over the next couple of years.

Pensioners will be hit by a “triple whammy” of “rising bills, real-terms cuts to the state pension and the National Insurance levy”, Shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Jonathan Ashworth said.

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