‘Fantastic’ £1 item will instantly ‘whiten’ your ‘discoloured’ towels in 1 wash

Cleaning hack: How to whiten and remove stains in towels

With daily use and regular washing, households are not alone in the fight to keep white towels looking bright – those shades of grey can happen to everyone.

This is exactly what one Mrs Hinch fan claimed to be struggling with as they took to social media to ask for some advice.

Posting on Facebook, Daniel Richards said: “How do you get white towels that have discoloured, back to brilliant white?

“I have tried so many whitening laundry products and nothing seems to be working.”

Over time, towels can become yellowed, dingy, and stained, which is both frustrating and unsightly. 

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Luckily, group members claimed that it’s not that difficult to “revive” white towels, you just need to know the product to use.

Many claimed that using soda crystals will brighten “dull” white towels – it can even “soften” them too.

Maggie Howman said: “Try adding soda crystals in the machine with your normal detergent. Mine came up so much brighter when I did this and the towels were very discoloured.”

Caitlin Lewis commented: “Always wash with soda crystals on every wash and all my whites are white. It’s fantastic as it whitens them and makes them soft.”

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Gemma Stewart recommended: “Try washing in soda crystals and detergent. My towels are brilliant white now and it helps to clean the washing machine.”

Samantha Ashton wrote: “I add half the bag of soda crystals to the washing machine to whiten my towels, then just add in my detergent too. Comes up great.”

A 2kg bag of soda crystals can be picked up from most local supermarkets like Tesco and Sainsbury’s for £2. Only half a bag of the product needs to be used, this tip works out to £1.

Soda crystals are soluble natural laundry and cleaning products. Soda crystals are free from bleach, don’t contain any harmful chemicals and they’ve been used for their cleaning properties for years and years.

As well as the whitening properties this item possesses, soda crystals have the power to turn tough old towels back into smooth and fluffy towels. 

To do this households need to fill a bucket with warm water and add in some soda crystals. 

Leave the crystals and towels to soak for about 15 minutes, then pull the towels out and put them in the washing machine on a normal wash.

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