Quick jobs to get the ‘best price’ possible for your property

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While preparing a home for the market may seem scary, being prepared and making changes prior to photos being taken can make all the difference in what people offer for the home. Tapi has teamed up with property expert Jonathan Rolande and James Roberts from Sanctuary Bathrooms, to share top tips on getting the “best price” for your home when it reaches the market.

1. Removing personal touches

When it comes to house photos, making sure it looks its best has never been more important when trying to stand out amongst the crowd in photos.

Jonathan recommended home sellers remove anything which might unveil the date, such as Christmas decorations or Easter cards.

He also advised us to take down any personal photographs and valuable items as they’ll be online for all to see.

He added: “Remove any pet baskets and bowls too – some people won’t want to buy a house that’s been home to a pet.”

2. Have a spring clean

Before any viewings, it is recommended the property is clean, clutter free and dressed well. According to Jonathan this means avoiding cooking anything with a strong smell for at least 24 hours ahead of viewings.

Households should also make the beds in the home and plump any sofa cushions which “can make all the difference”.

The property expert added: “Make sure the house number is clear and always leave outside lights on in the evening. Ensure you have turned on lamps even in rooms you’re in, as overhead lights aren’t as welcoming.”

3. Give the bathroom a hotel feel

Bathrooms are considered to be one of the most important rooms in the home, and an outdated one can turn buyers off instantly.

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However, there are simple ways to give bathrooms that hotel feeling to make it look more modernised, according to the expert.

Jonathan noted: “A nice bathroom doesn’t have to be brand new, but it should be very clean, and you should hide anything like toothpaste, brushes, shampoos and cosmetics.

“Consider buying new fluffy towels, a battery candle or a diffuser to give a spa-like calming feel.”

James Roberts, director of Sanctuary Bathrooms, added: “If you do have a little cash to spare, something that can really revive a bathroom and provide a new lease of life is refreshing some of the decor.

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“From a simple lick of paint to changing accessories and fixtures such as taps, shower fittings, toilet brushes and roll holders, and even a new bath panel can help to bring a whole new look or simply create a more cohesive theme.

“For example, switching from colours can help change the dynamic and style of the room, with something like an elegant brass theme is a popular choice to replace chrome.”

Make sure to add greenery into the room too, whether this be in the form of real or artificial houseplants as they can make all the difference.

4. Modernise your kitchen quickly

As well as the bathroom, the kitchen is often considered to be an extremely important room in the home as it is where families often come together to cook and eat. 

However, kitchen renovations can be expensive, especially starting from scratch, with an average kitchen costing upwards of £10,000.

Jonathan recommended home sellers refresh their kitchen by painting kitchen tiles and cupboards, or doing simpler changes such as replacing handles on older units ahead of putting the property on the market.

5. Deep clean carpets

According to brand and communications director at Tapi, Johanna Constantinou, one of the quickest and most dramatic ways to make a home more buyer-friendly is to improve the appearance of the floors.

This involves removing any stains and giving them a general vacuum or mop if you have hard flooring.

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