I found three genius iPhone tricks that only true Apple fans know about | The Sun

PEOPLE are constantly finding new ways of getting more out of their iPhone.

Whether it's photo tricks or battery saving tips, there are all sorts of ways to take your device to the next level.

TikToker Techboi has revealed three amazing hacks you should know to get even more out of your iPhone.

Easily send online images to friends

If you see an image on Google – or anywhere else for that matter – that you want to send, there's no need to download it.

That's the long way many of us have got used to.

If you hold the image down with one finger then use your other hand to go back to WhatsApp or iMessage, you can drag the image across instantly.

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Less tapping and a lot faster.

Find a song's title super fast

If you ever use Shazam to identify songs, you will know the fear of opening the app quick enough before the track ends.

And although you can ask Siri, this isn't an option if the music is too loud.

Instead, you can quickly access a special button on the iPhone control panel.

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You can add the button by going to Settings, then Control Panel and tap the + icon next to Music Recognition.

Then, next time you hear a song you want to know the name of, simply slide down and tap the button.

Make your speaker louder

If you think the iPhone's integrated speakers aren't loud enough, there is a way you can give them a boost.

Go to Settings and find Music.

Select EQ and set it to Late Night – this might help.

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