Mysterious, bat-filled tunnels found under newly bought house

Fox News Flash top headlines for July 11

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At least this house will always have storage space.

A new homeowner says he discovered a large system of man-made tunnels carved under his house. While some parts appear to have newer construction, some areas appear to have been carved out by hand.

The story was shared to Reddit by a user with the name Netatrax, who says he recently bought the house in southern Italy. According to him, he discovered the entrance to the tunnels in the barn, although he believes some areas are located underneath the house.

Also, there are apparently a lot of bats in the tunnels as well.

On Reddit, the homeowner wrote, “It is cold in the tunnel, humidity is 99%, and there are some alcoves all couple of meters. There is a second underground floor, although I could not get down there because I need someone to properly belay me. Nobody was able to tell me what these caves were used for. Will put some gear down there to turn the humidity into water for my olive trees.”

Due to the high humidity, the homeowner wrote that he doesn’t think the tunnels could be used for food or wine storage. In an update, the original poster said that he was able to explore to the second floor a little bit and found an underground pond.

On Reddit, some users joked about the origins of the tunnels, with one user asking, “Is there a bank near your house?”

Other users, however, claimed that tunnels like this may have been used for short-term food storage.

“People used to store food in spring cellars before refrigeration,” one commenter explained. “Because of the water, it would be a cooler temperature year round. But it was for food storage, even though it would have been humid/wet. It was for perishables, not long-term dry storage.”

Other commenters thought that the tunnels may have been built during one of the world wars, with one commenter writing, “My first thought was fallout shelter.”

Another user, however, simply just wrote, “Probably mafia (not joking).”

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