COVID-19: This Is the State With the Most Variants

The rate of spread of COVID-19 has slowed across America. Nevertheless, 566,540 Americans have died as of April 26, accounting for about 18% of the world’s total. Confirmed cases in the U.S. have reached 31,708,445, or about 21% of the global number.

The current pace of spread of the disease remains in part a race between vaccinations and the rising number of potentially dangerous variants. Variants of the disease are among the dangers epidemiologists and public health officials worry about. They have been found in all 50 states, but the state with the most variant cases reported is Florida.

At least one variant, first identified in the United Kingdom, now accounts for most new U.S. cases. This variant also could be more deadly. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention currently tracks three variants for the public.

The CDC tracks three variants on its website (a number of other variants have emerged the CDC does not report on to the public). The first of these is the B.1.1.7. It has 62,745 cases reported across all 50 states. There are 1,359 cases reported of the B.1.351 variant across 35 states, and 1,491 reported cases of the P.1 variant across 30 states.

Florida has 3,510 reported cases of the B.1.1.7. variant. It has 126 cases of the P.1 variant reported and 27 cases of the B.1.351 variant reported.

So far, 55% of the adult population has received at least one dose of vaccine and 38% are fully vaccinated. While the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines require two shots, the one from Johnson & Johnson requires just a single dose. In total, 290,692,005 doses have been delivered in the United States, and 230,768,454 of them have been administered.

Click here to see the state with the most variants.

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